Well, it has been a while since the last post, the reason is, just not a great deal to report to be fair. When we set off we decided to keep a blog of our exploits and adventures, predominantly to keep our family and friends updated on where we were and what we were doing.
In this world of Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram “what I had for lunch” type posts we haven’t had too much of an adventure to Blog about, with one exception, this chap!
This is Danko, our latest addition to the Allegrini crew.
He’s another rescue dog, a fine specimen of a mutt, 2½ years old been on the streets most of his life, was a bag of bones and very poorly when we first saw him, now he’s a very healthy and thoroughly spoilt little terror, in fact, his nickname is LB (little bugger) although I can assure you he gets called far worse! Never walks anywhere, always running, barks at fish, chases seagulls, is very needy, loves lots of fuss. In fact, his only real fault is he, unfortunately, doesn’t like men on bikes!
It took Him and Jake a little while to adjust, with Danko being the dominant male and Jake a fairly laid-back 7½-year-old and apart from a protective bark, a quiet sensitive soul. Jake has definitely calmed Danko Down and Danko has given Jake a completely new lease of life and now they are as thick as thieves and totally inseparable.
So what does April bring for us now? Well, we’ve started getting the boat ready for our next move up the coast, servicing the engines, checking the sails, giving her bum a scrub etc.
We’ve had a great winter here in Cartagena, the city is an amazingly vibrant town/city, historically interesting, with great restaurants, bars and amazing walks around the 5-7 castles that surround Cartagena, along with beaches a little further out along the Mar Menor. It has all the amenities to get whatever needs doing to your boat, along with all the usual supermarkets and hardware shops for everything else. We couldn’t recommend it enough, and will definitely return at some stage!
Fabulous city to be camped out in!
Love the doggies.