Well with the current onset of snow putting paid to any of the outside work i wanted to get done, (namely the Sat dome install)
I turned to completing and installing the Fuel Polishing system, this is a project that started over year ago, being built at home while i had a dose of Flu. (Original Post).
This was an idea that started out of stories of other cruisers stirring up their tanks of diesel after a bumpy crossing, then their engines failing on their way into port. (not a great time to have an engine failure!).
So to combat this I wanted to build and install our own onboard fuel polishing system – that would allow any fuel in the tank to be polished (put through a series of filters of different sizes to take out any impurities or dirt). For this to work effectively we really needed two tanks, so that whilst we were polishing one tank we could run on the other. We looked at the current location of our existing tank and looked at the same place on the other side of the boat. This was under the bunks in the aft cabins, although the (original) port-side tank took all the space under the bunk and was 250 litres. We had already fitted additional batteries under the starboard bunk which only left a much smaller space under this side but that said we still managed to get a made to measure 120 litre tank made by Tek-Tanks under the rear of the starboard side space.
We have decided to make one a Red Diesel (the original) and the new Tek-Tanks tank white or road diesel, not for any other reason than that road diesel is generally cleaner and a more refined diesel, ensuring that it much less likely to be contaminated. If we can make sure that tank is only ever filled with street diesel, it’s less likely to give us trouble when we need to use it on our way onto port but if it ever did via a set of different valve combinations, the fuel polishing system allows cleaning/polishing of either tank, whilst running on the other.
In addition to the polishing/filtration system I took the opportunity to install Floscan a diesel flow metering system (the little electronic box with LCD display and the two filter looking white cans to the left-hand side of the fuel polishing system, this pushes the data up the NMEA 2000 NETWORK, which allows us to view on the Raymarine Plotter in real-time exactly how much fuel we are using in Litres per hour, thus, allowing us to adjuster the throttle to give us maximum speed with minimum fuel consumption.
You also may have noticed a small green filter looking device to the bottom left-hand side of the setup?
This is a a piece of kit made by a New Zealand based company called a Debug unit, a clever yet simple device that should there be diesel bug (i’m not convinced it exists, and isn’t just dirty diesel, but lets not get into that right now) it simply breaks it up through the use of a very strong magnetic field, well thats what Debug say, anyway I fitted one as a precautionary measure, i’ll let you know if it works