Well thats it, yesterday was my last day at work…..ever…
Well when i say last day at work thats not complexity accurate, my last day of PAYE, working for a company, nine to five, rat race stuff. This is my retirement! After 4 years 9 months i have now retired from working as their Head of Engineering at Selfridges & Co. Had a great time, met and worked with some amazing people (very creative lot the Selfridges team) and of course met a fair share of idiots that seem to hide in any large organisation. 😉
The mast off the boat at the moment that will go back on in the new year, sea trials, adjustments etc, collate spares, tweak systems etc Now the real work begins to get our girl ready for a round the world voyage!
Right now its christmas with family upt north, then friends for new year dan sawf, then as soon as we get back from that, its jobs on the boat, sorting the flat out and desperately trying to downsize our lock ups. We have two, one from the remnants of downsizing from a big three bed town house to a one bedroom flat and the other in Southampton full of boat bits that either need to be on the boat or not. Both require some serious brutal culling.
So this year with no mast we haven’t got a picture of her lit up with christmas lights, so We’ll just say Merry Christmas and a Happy new year and with fair winds and tides this time next year we’ll be in the caribbean!