As any of you that know me personally, or have been following this blog for any period of time can testify, finding an excuse to buy a new Gadget or Gizmo is never a difficult task for me, although my activities are now more closely monitored by Helen, in a vain effort to limit the amount of stuff thats can sensibly be fitted onto the boat before for our travels!
That said when it comes to camera gear, as long as its small, she’s generally a tad more flexible. So you ask what has he got now?
Well its a Samsung Gear 360, a tiny little round thing, between the size of a golf and cricket ball
It has its own rechargeable battery, up to a 64gb micro sd card, a fisheye camera facing forwards and backwards and takes the most amazing VR (360 deg) Pictures, which thru a piece of Samsung software can be uploaded to Youtube.
Ive been playing with it all weekend and nipped down to the boat today for a couple of quick shots to demonstrate it. (unfortunately it doesn’t work in Safari on a MAC, but seems to work everywhere else inc iPads and iPhones) With the iPads and iPhones you can actually turn round with the camera and the picture turns with you. (PS As soon as the video starts to play pause it then push the screen round with your mouse)
Gear 360 on the boom of Allegrini
Gear 360 on the bow of Allegrini