Probably shouldn’t have said that, it will rain now for the next three months!
No seriously we’ve been having temperatures of 22-24 digs C for the last few weeks, nothing like the 30+ are friends in the Carib and Med have been getting, but anyone that has spent anytime in the UK will know, its pretty good.
We’ve had a couple of nice jolly jaunts over the last weekends as well as doing a few of the never ending jobs that come with boating.
However, an Allegrini post would be the same without a gizmo or gadgets so here my latest discovery, BORACOL! I got it from Lochmarins blog, its probably the easiest deck cleaner I’ve come across.
Basically its boric acid, its not like hydrochloric its one of those safer acids like citric, although it does come with a warning about making you temporarily sterile, (not a problem this end), but read the instructions well before use.
Anyway you can get it in 2 types 5RH and 10RH, 5 is for amateurs and 10 is for professionals, i have no idea what the difference is, i think maybe some of the chemical are used in lesser quantities, they say its the same strength though?
But hey i went for the 10 anyway, non diluted in a sprayer, gave the deck a coat last Saturday and another on Sunday once dry and then washed it this Saturday.
It doesn’t work like the Wessex cleaner, it doesn’t change the colour of the wood, it just kills every god damm living thing that happens to reside on you nice teak decking.
So it ends up looking like nicely silvery seasoned deck like it should.
Prices vary for 5 litres ( i’d allow about 6 L on a 50 footer using a sprayer, more if you use a brush) some charge upwards of £50 for 5L, but i managed to get it for a lot less at DIYREFURB.